~One of
Georgia’s favorite toys known to her as “Ice Cream” taken by
Liz Bedwell~
Lesson 3 was this past Thursday and it went very well! I think I mentioned in a previous post that cutting Georgia’s nails with the clippers wasn’t going well and that I cut one too short and she bled. Since that time she won’t hold still and keeps pulling her foot out of my hand right before I’m about to cut – danger zone! So, C brought over her Dremel, which is what she uses to trim her dogs nails. It’s actually a power tool that we’ve since bought at Lowe’s. There are multiple different attachments, but the one we’ll use is a little round sand paper tool that will file her nails down instead of involving any actual clipping. I’m sure I’m not using the right terms as I know nothing of tools, but if you’ve ever had acrylic nails you know what I’m talking about. It’s the same idea as the spinning sander as I call it that the nail techs use. We used C’s Dremel to practice so we could decide if we wanted to buy one.
Georgia responded MUCH better to this. I like it because I can’t cut her, which makes me less nervous and in turn she’s less nervous. It does get hot (I remember from my acrylic nail days), so I have to remember to sand then pull away so it doesn’t heat up and then sand again. I now feel hopefully about the nail situation.
Next we worked more on the heeling, which you know I’m not a fan of, but now I feel better about this too. This lesson was just positive all the way around.
Georgia was much more willing to stay on my left side. We still aren’t using the word heel with it yet. I’m just marking the correct position with “YES” and a small training treat or piece of her dog food. We turned it into a kind of game. When I walk purposely I reward her for being on my left side either walking, sitting or standing. She seemed to enjoy it. As we work more on this I will start to introduce the word “heel”.
Then we worked more on getting
Georgia to lay down with me just saying “lay down”, instead of touching the floor. I was repeating it until she did it, but C had me just say it once and then silently wait until she did it – it worked of course! This is still a new phrase to her so she takes a few seconds to think it over, but she does lie down. Success! Just today, however, I’m realizing that she may not be comfortable with the commands she knows outside of our house or yard. On our walk today I stopped several times and told her to sit and she didn’t. I’m worried she just associates commands with being at home. I’ve got to work on this more, because to be a Pet Partners team she has to sit, lay, etc where ever or whenever I tell her. Something to work on for sure.
C and I also discussed that
Georgia has too many toys. We need to rotate them out so some seem new again. At C’s suggestion I bought a Bristle Brush Bone from her. It’s kind of like a Nylabone, but in the middle there are some bristles, some rubber spike type things and refillable chewable disks (they do not stain carpet). This is good for mental stimulation and cleaning teeth. C said her dogs LOVE it and I can say confidently that
Georgia does as well. It’s her new favorite toy and knows it by name as, “New toy”.
Lesson 3 was positive and productive! Yesterday I spent all day at the Humane Society of Indianapolis at a Pet Partners Workshop. It was a long day but I learned a lot, feel more confident and more knowledgeable about what to except at the evaluation and what both Georgia and I need to work on. My next post sometime this week will discuss the workshop. The second part of the work shop is next Saturday which is also all day. That wraps up today’s post. It’s a beautiful day out there, so get out and enjoy it!