This past Saturday we had another lesson at PetsMart. There was another adoption event and it was busy already due to it being a Saturday. We have to stay away from the adoption tent because both Georgia and I would want to take one of the dogs home with us. I wish I could save all the dogs and kids that need homes, but that’s just not possible. Anyway, I would say this lesson was our most successful yet and I felt really excited afterwards. I am actually seeing the changes and progress Georgia is making. I can honestly see it clicking in her mind and that is an awesome thing to see! I’m just a tiny bit proud of her, can you tell?!?
Our last lesson in PetsMart we started out inside and it was just too much for her to focus in – way too many distractions! So, we spent 90% of the lesson right outside of PetsMart, which is still a busy place. This lesson we started out outside and made our way inside with success. She was actually listening and responding to commands inside. Granted, once inside we had to calm her down, but after that she was good. Calming her down involved having her lie down and be still. It required C to get down on her level and talking to Georgia in a whisper. In my lessons I’ve learned to recognize stress in Georgia and when she is calm. After 2-3 minutes C had her calm and we worked on heeling, not jumping up when a person is holding a treat and stopping when I stop walking and sitting, all while staying on my left side.
The pulling on the leash really improved. That’s one of our biggest problems; she drags me toward other people or dogs because she wants to meet them. More than once when someone was coming our way she sat down and waited. We’ve been working on getting her to realize that to get attention from people she has to be sitting and not jumping. Success! However, on Friday night when we had people over she went NUTS when the door bell rang. I had her on a leash since we were expecting them, but it was just insane. She needs to realize that the door bell doesn’t equal she can go crazy. We’ll have to continue to work on this.
We had several people come up to us and several people with their dogs come up to us. Georgia was so good! There was one lady that said, “Can I pet your dog? She just looks so friendly.” That made my day; I want people to feel like Georgia is approachable. We also met an 11 year old poodle and Georgia never tried to jump or be rough, she sat still…whining and shaking a tiny bit because she wanted to play, but listened when I told her to “stay”.
C said that Georgia is starting to look like a trained dog and I’m starting to look someone that has a trained dog. She can see us working together and I LOVE IT! What an awesome relationship Georgia and I have built and are building. She’s my little fur girl and I’m so proud of her! She may be the smartest dog ever…maybe?!